How to withdraw money from my balance?

You need to earn the minimum withdrawal amount (10$) to be able to place a withdrawal request. Once you reach the minimum amount of withdrawal, you can submit the withdrawal request. You need to have 10.00$ amount to withdraw PayPal or Lite Coin.

  • Click on the Balance tab

  • Click on the Withdraw tab

  • Select payment methods: PayPal, LTC.

  • Select the amount.

  • Enter PayPal e-mail / Lite Coin Address.

  • Click Continue.

  • Enter token. (Check your email).

  • Submit.

  • .................................

    It takes normally 24 hours. If there is any technical issue on the site, it will take maximum 1 to 3 days to received your payment.

    Important: You must maintain a success rate of more than 85% on your worker account for withdrawals.
    To see your success rate: go to your account dashboard.

    Important: You must maintain a Temporary success rate of more than 60% on your worker account for submit new job.
    To see your Temporary success rate: go to your account dashboard.

    Can I use my balance to run my own campaign?

    Yes, you can run your own campaign from your earning balance. Worker can run their campaigns.

    Can I stop my campaign after already running?

    Yes, you can stop anytime. and resume anytime you want.

    Can I do same task multiple times?

    No, you are not able to do same task multiple times from same account and also you are not allowed to do same task from multiple account.

    What is coins in Pushworkers.com?

    Pushworkers coins are money which you can use it as money only in Pushworkers.com domain. It has no value outside of Pushworkers.com domain. You can withdraw your balance in your PayPal / Lite Coin account address. 1.00 coins = $1.00 and you need 10.00 dollars to withdraw money.

    Can I be a Worker and Employer at the same time?

    Yes, if you signed up as a worker in Pushworkers.com it allows you to work on tasks. You can use the same account run your campaign. If you signed up as an employer, you can only view their tasks but cannot do tasks from other employer. Yes, if you signed up as a worker in Pushworkers.com it allows you to work on tasks. You can use the same account run your campaign. If you signed up as an employer, you can only view their tasks but cannot do tasks from other employer.

    How can I update my profile information?

    You can update your personal information from Account tab > Profile > fill up your information and click on Update.

    How do I verify worker’s submitted task?
  • Go to Account tab.

  • Click on Requests.

  • See the submitted information.

  • Click on picture to maximize.

  • Accept or Reject.

  • .................................

    How can I deposit money in to my balance?

    Note: Before you send the money check the deposit rates.

    First, you need to deposit money into a Pushworkers.com PayPal account or Lite Coin account.
    You can deposit money via Paypal automatic payment or Lite Coin Mannual Payment.
    You can see deposit addresses on your account deposit page. After depositing your money, follow the instructions below.

  • Click on Balance.

  • Click on Deposit.

  • Select payment method.

  • Select the amount.

  • Enter your PayPal id or Lite Coin Address.

  • Upload your payment sent receipt photo or screenshot.

  • Click on Submit.

  • Your money will be added to your account immediately.

    If there is any technical issue on the site, it will takes up to 6 hours for verification process. Once we verified, we will add your coins on your balance.

    Deposit rates: -
    PayPal / Lite Coin Coins $ Dollar Amount
    5.00 5
    10.00 10
    15.00 15
    20.00 20
    50.00 50
    1,00.00 1,00

    How to create a campaign?

  • Go to My Campaign.

  • Click on Create new.

  • Select the category.

  • Select the sub-category.

  • Enter your job title. It must be a short title which is describe your job.

  • Enter the job quantity you need.

  • Enter the amount (coins) you want to pay your worker. Minimum amount for per job 0.01$. High paying = High speed.

  • Enter the limit per day.

  • Write the job instructions.

  • Select how many days it will take to review the job.

  • Select your targeting countries or exclude countries.

  • Publish Now

  • ...


    Search Pushworkers on TikTok,

    Follow me,

    Take a screenshot,

    Click Submit,

    Upload your screenshot,

    (Use this format for all)

    Search (Your username) on (TikTok / YouTube / Other social media)

    (Follow/ Subscribe/ Like/ Share/ Comment) my (Account/ Channel/ Video)

    Take a Screenshot.

    Upload your screenshot.

    Enter your required proofs.

    (For Share: Copy your Facebook profile link and paste it on other Proof)

  • Enter the link. (Optional)

  • Select the days for Validation.

  • Submit your job.

  • .

    Note: It takes up to 1 hour to verify your campaign. Once we verify and approved your campaign, you will see in the tasks. We do not approve all campaigns, please read our Terms and Conditions.

    How to create a PPC Ad campaign?

    Step by step full guide to create a PPC Ad campaign.

    Do I need to pay a fee for a new campaign?

    Yes, a small fee has to be paid when you are publishing your new campaign. The fee which is you paid will added to your new campaign's total amount. You don't need to pay it seperately. The campaign fee different from category to category.

    Do I need pay a fee, when I am choosig a country?

    Yes. You have to pay a small fee, when you are choosing the targeted country / countries. The fee which is you paid will added to your new campaign's total amount. You don't need to pay it seperately.